martes, 25 de enero de 2011



Era el primer día de escuela de los hijos de Charles y Diana, William y Harry. Su padre les llevó al colegio. La directora era la señora Strickland. Estaban hablando cuando empezó a gotear agua del techo del colegio. Afuera estaba lloviendo y el agua se filtraba en el edificio. Los alumnos salieron de sus clases y pusieron cubos de plástico en los pasillos para que el agua no encharcara el suelo. La directora le dijo a Charles que el colegio necesitaba dinero, a pesar de las recolectas que se habían hecho, porque los padres de los alumnos tampoco tenían mucho dinero para aportar.

Charles volvió a su casa y se fue al jardín. Allí había comenzado a plantar zanahorias. Él estaba muy feliz con su nueva vida, se había acostumbrado muy bien. Pero Diana no; mentía a su marido diciéndole que ella también estaba contenta, pero no era verdad. Ellos también disponían de poco dinero, y lo usaban para el abono del jardín. Diana notaba a Charles muy cambiado, y era verdad, porque Charles se había enamorado de su vecina Beverly (a pesar de que su aspecto aquella mañana no fuera muy agradable, ya que vestía una minifalda, olía a tabaco, y Charles vio que le faltaban 3 dientes).

Después, Diana entristeció cuando recordó el jucio pendiente de Charles y pensó que su marido podía ir a la cárcel.


It was the first day at the school to Charles and Diana’s sons, William y Harry. Their father took them to the school and they were talking with the headmistress, Mrs Strickland. Suddenly it was started to rain into the school, because it was raining outside but the water came into through the cracks of the ceiling. The students put on the floor some plastic buckets in the corridors. Mrs Strickland told Charles that the school needed money; they tried fund-raising but the parents of the students didn’t have too much money.

Charles came to his house and went to his garden. He used it to cultivate carrots. He was very happy with his new life, he adapted very well, but not Diana. She lied her husband and said that she was happy too, but it wasn’t true. And Diana felt that Charles had changed; it was true, because he had fallen in love with Beverly (in spite of her face wasn’t beauty that day, she had dressed with a mini-skirt and Charles noticed that she didn’t have three teeth).

Then Diana was sad because she remembered that Charles had a trial and he could go to the prison.


- What did Diana and Charles each want to do with the money they had? Diana said that she needed a haircut but Charles wanted to spend their money in fertilizer for the garden. Charles adapted very well to his new life but Diana not and she was still thinking about herself.

- Summarise briefly the problems that Marigold Road Junior School had. The ceiling had a lot of cracks and the water came into the school through them. The school didn’t have money but they couldn’t do anymore because the parents of the students didn’t have too much money.

- Why was Diana feeling sad at the end of the chapter? Diana was sad for tow reason: the first one was that she felt that Charles had changed, and the second one was that she remembered that Charles had a trial and he could go to the prison.