lunes, 24 de enero de 2011



La Reina fue andando hasta la ciudad; era la primera vez que salía de Hell Close. Fue con Harris a al Departamento de la Seguridad Social, donde se ayudaba a los desempleados. La Reina esperó una larga cola y su turno llegó cuando quedaban unos minutos para que cerraran las tiendas y las oficinas. El empleado dijo que no podía darla el cheque porque no llevó ningún recibo de su nueva casa para demostrar que ella vivía allí. Tampoco se creyó que ella fuera la Reina de Inglaterra ni que hubiera vivido antes en el Palacio de Buckingham. Cuando la Reina vio que su tiempo se acababa y que no podía conseguir el dinero para comer durante esa semana, cogió a Harris en brazos y usó a su perro para sensibilizar al empleado. Finalmente, éste le dio algo de dinero.

La Reina usó esa técnica para comprar en otras tiendas, puesto que quería preparar una sopa. Compró huesos en una carnicería y en otra tienda compró patatas, zanahorias y cebollas. En casa se puso a cocinar


The Queen was walking with Harris into town. It was the first time she went out of Hell Close and she liked it. She went to the Department of Social Security, where they helped unemployed people. The Queen waited the slow queue. When it was her number it was the time to close down the shops and offices. The clerk said that he couldn’t give her the cheque because she didn’t bring a bill to demonstrate that she lived in Hell Close. The Queen was desperate because she needed some money, so she took Harris and used him to awareness the clerk. Finally he gave her some money.

The Queen used that tactic to buy in others shops. She bought some bones in a butcher’s shop and some potatoes, carrots and onions. When she arrived to home she started to cook.


- Why couldn’t the Queen get her Emergency Payment? Because she didn’t bring a bill to demonstrate that she lived in Hell Close.

- How did the Queen finally get some money and what did she think made it possible? The Queen was desperate because she needed some money, so she took Harris and used him to awareness the clerk.

- Compare the butcher’s attitude to his two customers. When the Queen arrived she had to convince him to let her buy some bones for Harris (she showed him her dog, who had a bad and sad face). He didn’t have good manners with her. But the, a well-dressed man came into the shop, and the butcher was very kind.