martes, 25 de enero de 2011



Spiggy, en vecino manitas de Hell Close, estaba en casa de Anne, la hija de la Reina. A pesar de que Anne había instalado ella sola su lavadora, algo hizo mal y cuando regresó a casa el suelo de la cocina estaba encharcado de agua. Después de la reparación estuvieron hablando mucho rato; ella estaba sorprendida porque él no sabía absolutamente nada de ella ni de ex Familia Real. Ambos estaban divorciados y decidieron quedar para salir a tomar algo una noche.

La Reina vio muy mal a su marido Philip, hacía tres días que no comía. El doctor Potter fue a su casa para hacerle un chequeo y dijo que lo mejor sería llevarle al hospital. El doctor estuvo haciendo llamadas telefónicas desde su móvil para encontrar una cama libre al Principe Philip, ya que muchos hospitales estaban llenos. Finalmente encontró una en un hospital psiquiátrico. La Reina acompañó a su marido a su nuevo hogar y le prometió que pronto iría a visitarle.

Cuando regresó a casa, la Reina vio que había una carta para ella, de su hijo Edward. En ella contaba que había oído la noticia de la expulsión de la Familia Real de palacio; le hubiera gustado ir a ayudarles, pero estaba en Nueva Zelanda de gira con su compañía teatral (estaban representado una obra llamada “Sheep”).

Por la noche, la Reina fue a casa de su hija Anne, para hacer de canguros de sus nietos Peter y Zara, ya que Anne iba a salir con Spiggy. La Reina encendió la televisión y vio al primer ministro Jack Barker hablar sobre su nuevo gobierno, un gobierno donde todos serían tratados por igual. A la Reina le pareció una idea justa, pero muy cara para llevarla a cabo, y se preguntó de dónde sacaría el dinero para poder cumplir todas sus promesas. Después se quedó dormida.


Spiggy, the handyman neighbor of Hell Close, was in Anne’s house (the Queen’s daughter). In spite of Anne installed alone her washing machine, she would do something wrong because the floor was full of water when she arrived to home. They were talking a lot; Anne was surprised because Spiggy didn’t know anything about her and the ex Royal Family. And they would meet one night to go to a bar, because they were divorced.

The Queen called the doctor because Philip had eaten anything in three days. The Doctor Potter said that the best thing was took him in a hospital. He was calling with his mobile, because first he had to find a free bed for Philip (all the hospital were full). Finally he found a place in a mental hospital. The Queen went with her husband to his new home and she promised that she would go to see him soon.

When she returned to home, the Queen saw a letter for her sent by her son Edward. He was very worry because noticed the new that his family was expelled to the palace. He wanted to be with them, but he was in New Zealand with a theatre company (the play called “Sheep”).

At night, the Queen went to Anne’s house to babysit her grandsons Peter and Zara. Anne went to go to a bar with Spiggy. The Queen turned on the TV and saw the Prime Minister Jack Barker talking about his new way to govern, a way without differences between social classes and everybody could have the same chances. The Queen thought that it was a good idea but very expensive to do it real and she thought how Jack Barker could find the money. Then she went to sleep.


- Why did Anne enjoy talking to Spiggy? Because he was a nice man and he didn’t know anything about her and the ex Royal Family. She could be herself with him.

- Where was Prince Edward and what was he doing? He was in New Zealand with a theatre company (the play called “Sheep”).