Al día siguiente, Philip no quería salir de la cama; no le gustaba su nueva vida y pretendía quedarse en casa hasta el fin de sus días. La Reina no pudo convencerle, pero ella se puso en marcha y fue a dar de comer a Harris.
El Príncipe Charles salió a la calle. Todavía quedaban cosas un camión de mudanza y había que sacarlas. Warren Deacon, el chico de las mudanzas, le ofreció a Charles un video para ver películas; se lo dejó a buen precio.
Por la tarde, muchos vecinos se acercaron para ver a la Madre Reina; la calle estaba llena de gente. El policía del barrio, PC Ludlow, fue allí para intentar para ver qué pasaba. Ordenó que casa uno se marchara a su casa, pero fue abucheado por los vecinos. El policía agarró a Beverly por un brazo y la empujó para que se marchara. El Príncipe Charles lo vio e inmediatamente fue a ayudar a Beverly. Los tres empezaron a luchar en el suelo. Mientras tanto, Warren Deacon robó muchos objetos de valor del camión de mudanzas.
Una vez en comisaría, Charles llamó a Diana para que se pusiera en contacto con su abogado. Ella tenía ganas de ver “Casablanca” en su nuevo video, de manera que llamaría a su abogado después de que terminara la película.
NOTA: Philomena Toussaint es una vecina que conoció a la Reina Madre en 1927 en Jamaica.
The next morning, Philip didn’t want to go out of bed. He didn’t like his new life and he wanted to be in the house until he died. The Queen couldn’t convince him, so she went to feed Harris.
Prince Charles went out the house. There were some things in a removal van and he went to carry them into the house. Warren Deacon, who worked with the removal van, offered Charles a video to watch movies. Warren sold him at very good price.
In the afternoon, there were many people on the street. The neighbors wanted to see the Mother Queen. The policeman from the barrier, PC Ludlow, came there. He ordered to the people to go home, but he was booed by the neighbors. The policeman caught Beverly and pulled her arm. Prince Charles saw that and immediately he went to help her. They were fighting some minutes on the floor. While Warren Deacon stole some things that were in the van.
In the police station, Charles phoned Diana; she would call their lawyer. But Diana wanted to watch “Casablanca” in her new video, so she would call the lawyer when the movie ended.
- How was Philip’s new life affecting him? The Queen was the first who thought that the ex Royal Family had to learn how to survive in an ordinal barrier. But Philip didn’t want to get used to their new situation. He was in pyjamas and lying in bed all the day. He said that he would be at home until he died.
- Why did Charles get involved in the fight between PC Ludlow and Beverly? Prince Charles saw how the policeman caught Beverly and pulled her arm. Charles had read that some policemen used their authority in a wrong way, so he went to help her.
- What task did Charles ask Diana to do and why didn’t she do it immediately? *ultimo párrafo del resumen*