El Príncipe Charles y Beverly tuvieron un encuentro con el Presidente del Tribunal, para explicar qué sucedió con el policía en Hell Close. PC Ludlow, la Reina, Diana y Tony Threadgold también estaban allí. Cuando Beverly entró en la sala, Charles le ayudó a sentarse, y en ese momento Diana tuvo celos. PC Ludlow mintió en su declaración, pero no supo explicar con certeza algunas cosas sobre lo ocurrido. El Presidente del Tribunal dijo que el caso iría al Tribunal de Crown, y Charles y Beverly estarían libres bajo fianza.
De camino a casa, Tony sugirió ir a tomar una taza de té. La Reina fue invitada por el matrimonio Threadgold, porque ella no tenía dinero. En ese momento, la reina echó de menos a Philip, ya que Charles estaba cerca de Diana y Tony abrazaba a Beverly.
Cuando la Reina estaba en casa, su hija la Princesa Anne fue a verla. Ella también vivía en Hell Close con sus hijos Peter y Zara. Anne también se adaptó rápidamente a su nueva vida, como la Reina: instaló una lavadora en su casa con una caja de herramientas y las instrucciones.
Después, la Reina fue a casa de los Threadgold, para devolverles el dinero de la invitación. Era la primera vez que estaba en su casa. Todo estaba decorado con objetos y fotos del Elvis Presley; también estaba sonando una canción suya. La Reina vio una foto de dos niños, Tony dijo que esos eran sus hijos, Vernon and Lisa-Marie, pero que los servicios sociales se los habían quitado hacía 18 meses.
Cuando regresó a casa, Philip continuaba en la cama y tampoco quiso cenar.
Prince Charles and Beverly had a meeting with the Chief Magistrate o explain the problem we had with the policeman. PC Ludlow, The Queen, Diana and Tony Threadgold were in the room too. When Beverly came into the room, Charles helped her to sit down, and Diana felt a little bit jealous. PC Ludlow told lies but he couldn’t explain very well what happened. The Chief Magistrate said the case would go to Crown Court and Charles and Beverly would be released on bail.
On the way to home, Tony suggested going to a bar to drink a cup of tea. The Threadgold invited The Queen because she didn’t have money in that moment. In that moment she missed Philip, because Charles was close to Diana and Tony was hugging Beverly.
When The Queen was at home, her daughter Princess Anne came there. She lived in Hell Close too with her sons Peter and Zara. Anne She quickly adapted to his new life, like The Queen: She installed the washing machine with a toolbox and the instructions.
Then, The Queen wet to the Threadgold’s house; she wanted to return the money of the cup of tea. It was the first time she was in their house. There were many things about Elvis Presley and it was playing a song of him. The Queen saw a picture of two children. Tony told her that they were their sons, Vernon and Lisa-Marie, but the social servers took them 18 months ago.
The Queen returned to her house, and Philip continued in the bed. He didn’t want to have a dinner.
- Diana was upset about 2 things in court. What were they? She forgotten to phone their lawer and she was jealous when she saw Charles helping Beverly to sit down.
- How was Anne different from the other members of her family? Princess Anne and The Queen were the most adapted in the ex Royal Family, but there was a difference: in the beginning The Queen learned from the others but Anne did the things alone; The Queen learned how to prepare tea because Beverly showed her, but Anne installed a washing machine only with a toolbox and the instructions.