La casa de Lady Diana estaba llena vecinas esa tarde. Diana habló de su vida en palacio y de lo que más echaba de menos: su Mercedes-Benz 500 SL, llamado “Merc”. Las vecinas estaban sorprendidas de lo caras y valiosas que eran las cosas que la Familia Real tenían en palacio.
Cuando llegó la noche, Diana se empezó a preocupar porque, ni sus hijos ni su marido, habían vuelto a casa. Una vecina la dijo que, en Hell Close, era normal que los niños jugaran en la calle hasta muy tarde. Cuando la reunión terminó, fueron las vecinas las que limpiaron el salón y las tazas donde habían estado bebiendo. Diana no ayudó absolutamente para nada; después intentó pagar a sus vecinas por el trabajo, pero se dio cuenta de su error.
El Príncipe Carlos regresó con la Reina muy tarde. Como la herida que ella tenía en la mano no era muy importante, tuvo que estar esperando mucho tiempo para que la atendieran. Tony Threadgold estaba reparando la puerta atascada, mientras que Philip, William y Harry estaban comiendo un sándwich y viendo a Tony trabajar.
Beverly pasó por casa de la Reina cuando salió de la casa de Diana. La Reina era consciente de que debían aprender a hacer las tareas domésticas y no podían depender de la amabilidad de los vecinos, de manera que, mientras Beverly preparaba el té, la ex Familia Real miraba expectante para aprender a prepararlo.
Una vez en casa, Beverly le dijo a su marido Tony que la Familia Real se parecía a un grupo de bebés que no sabían hacer ni las tareas más sencillas.
NOTA: La Reina fue la primera en ser consciente de que debían aprender a hacer las cosas por sí mismos y no depender tanto de los vecinos. Poco a poco se fue dando cuenta de que ya no tenía ningún poder, mientras que el resto de su familia le estaba costando mucho más esfuerzo adaptarse.
Lady Diana’s house was full of neighbors, all of them were women. Diana talked with them about her life in palace and all the expensive things that she had; she missed so much her Mercedes-Benz 500 SL, named “Merc”. The neighbors were very surprised.
Diana was worried because it was night and her sons were out and her husband hadn’t returned from the hospital with the Queen. A woman told her it was normal the children play out at night in Hell Close. When the meeting finished, the neighbors cleaned the living room and the cups where they were drinking; Diana didn’t do anything and then she wanted to pay her neighbors for service, but she noticed it was a mistake.
The Prince Charles came back home to the Queen very late. They had to wait because the injury wasn’t very serious. Tony Threadgold was reparing the stuck door, while Philip, William y Harry were eating a sandwich and looking Tony how he worked.
Beverly went to the Queen’s house after she went out to Diana’s house. The Queen thought that they had to learn how to do the housework by themselves because they couldn’t depend on the neighbors forever. While Beverly was making some tea, the ex Royal Family were looking her and learning.
When they were in their house, Beverly told her husband Tony that the Royal Family was like a group of babies and they didn’t know how to do the simplest things.
- Why did all the women visit Diana and what did this show about the people in Hell Close? Some women came because they wanted an autograph, but in general the neighbors wanted to help her. When Diana started to talk about her past life, they were very surprised; there was too much difference between Diana’s life and neighbors’ life.
- What things about family life in Hell Close were new for Diana? Diana learned that the neighbors help each other and it’s not necessary money between them. And Diana was worried because it was night and her sons were out, but in Hell Close it was normal the children play out at night.
- What did Beverly teach the Royal Family? She showed them how to make some tea.