Jack Barker, el nuevo primer ministro, bajó a los sótanos del Palacio de Buckingham acompañado de un guardia. Allí estaban guardadas piezas muy valiosas de la Familia Real, como figuras de animales hechas de cristal o vajillas de oro. Barker iba a vender alguna de esas piezas a unos japoneses; el dinero de la venta se iba a destinar a construir hospitales.
La Reina se despertó porque su perro Harris estaba muy inquieto; tenía hambre y quería dar un paseo. La Reina se encontró con Beverly en el patio trasero; mientras, Harris jugaba con una rata muerta.
Llamaron a la puerta; se trataba de Trish McPherson, una asistente social que trabajaba en ese barrio. Su idea era mantener una charla con la Reina sobre su nueva vida y ver en qué podía ayudar. Pero la Reina no abrió la puerta por dos motivos: el primero era que la puerta estaba atascada y, el segundo, ella todavía estaba en pijama y no quería que la vieran así. Trish dejó una nota en el buzón diciendo que regresaría más tarde.
La Reina regresó a la cocina. Iba a encender el calentador para cocinar algo, pero no funcionaba. Su hijo Charles vio se asomó por la ventana desde fuera, y la dijo que tenía que introducir 50 centavos en el contador para encender el calentador. En ese momento la Reina no tenía dinero, de manera que su hijo se fue en busca de los 50 centavos. Mientras esperaba, la Reina intentó abrir la caja de alimentos que había en la cocina; Harris estaba enfadado porque aún no le habían dado de comer. Al intentar abrirla, la Reina se cortó en los dedos.
El Príncipe Charles regresó con el dinero y vio a su madre sangrando. Ayudó a la Reina a salir de la casa por la ventana de la cocina (porque la puerta estaba atascada) y se fueron a un hospital. Allí tuvieron que esperar muchas horas hasta que fueron atendidos.
NOTA: el apellido de la Reina era Windsor porque ella pertenecía a Casa Real de Windsor.
Jack Barker, the new Prime Minister went to the basement of the Buckingham Palace with a guard. There were things very valuable and important of the Royal Family, like crystal animals figures or gold dishes. Barker was going to sell some things to gentlemen Japanese and built hospitals with the money from de sale.
The Queen woke up because her dog Harris was very nervous; he didn’t eat yet and he wanted to go for a walk. The Queen saw Beverly in the garden, while Harris was playing with a death rat.
Somebody knocked the door. It was Trish McPherson, a social worker. She wanted to talk with the Queen about her new life style and how Trish could help the ex Royal Family. But the Queen didn’t open the door for two reasons: the door was stuck and she was still wearing the pajama. Trish left a note in the letterbox where she said she would come later.
The Queen returned to the kitchen. She went to turn on the heater but it didn’t work. Her son Charles saw her throught the window and he told her that she had to put 50 pence coin in the meter to turn on the heater. The Queen didn’t have money, so Charles went for some money. While, the Queen tried to open the food box; Harris was very angry because nobody fed him. She cut a little bit on her fingers.
The Prince Charles returned at the window with some money, but he saw her mother bleeding to death. He helped her to climb the window to exit out of the house (because the door was stuck), and they went to a hospital. There, they would wait some hours before a doctor and a nurse examined the Queen.
- Why wouldn’t the Queen let Trish into the house? The Queen didn’t open the door for two reasons: the door was stuck and she was still wearing the pajama.
- Why couldn’t the Queen warm the room? She wanted to turn on the heater, because she wanted to warm the room, but she couldn’t. Her son Charles told her that she had to put 50 pence coin in the meter to turn on the heater.
- Describe how the Queen injured herself and how she got out of her house. The Queen tried to open the food box, but she cut a little bit on her fingers. The Prince Charles saw her mother bleeding to death. He helped her to climb the window to exit out of the house, and they went to a hospital.