La ex Famlia Real llegó a su nueva casa por la noche; el número 9 de Hellebore Close. La Reina y su familia bajaron del camión de mudanzas y contemplaron su barrio: había basura y suciedad por todas partes y olía mal. La casa era pequeña y apenas iban a entrar los muebles. Tampoco les gustaba la idea de compartir paredes con los vecinos.
Beverly y Tony Threadgold era los nuevos vecinos de la ex Familia Real. Él vestía de forma sencilla; ella era rubia y su ropa era pequeña y ajustada. Se quedaron en la puerta mirando cómo sus nuevos vecinos deshacían el equipaje. Cuando la Reina pasó por su lado para entrar en casa, el matrimonio Threadgold reconoció a la Familia Real, e inmediatamente se ofrecieron para ayudar: Beverly preparó té y Tony llamó al señor Spiggy, un “manitas” en cuanto a arreglar cosas de casa.
La Reina no podía soportar ver cómo el señor Spiggy recortaba las alfombras para que entraran en el suelo de la casa, de manera que se fue con Harris (su perro) a dar un paseo. Mientras paseaba, descubrió que un policía llamado PC Ludlow custodiaba su nueva casa, para que no le ocurriera nada a la ex Familia Real.
Diana y el Príncipe Charles estaban tristes y agobiados; para los niños esa situación era como vivir una aventura. Y la Reina tuvo que dormir con su marido, porque sólo había una cama.
NOTA: en la entrada del barrio había un cartel donde se anunciaba el nombre de la zona residencial Hellebore Close, pero desaparecieron letras y en realidad ponía Hell Close (infierno cercano).
The ex Royal Family arrived at their new house at night; number nine, Hellebore Close. The Queen and her family got out to the removal van and they saw their new neighborhood: there was rubbish and dirt everywhere and it smelled really bad. The house was very small and the furniture couldn’t go through the door.
Beverly y Tony Threadgold were the ex Royal Family’s new neighbors. He was dressed in a ordinal style; she was blonde and her clothes was very small and tight. They was opposite their door while the Queen and her family entered to their house. Threadgold family recognized the Queen and immediately they helped them: Beverly brought some tea and Tony called Mr. Sipggy, a handyman at housework.
The Queen couldn’t see how Spiggy cut the carpets, because they were too big for the floor of the house; so she went for a walk with his dog Harris. In her walk she discovered a policeman named PC Ludlow was near her new house and protecting them.
Diana and Prince Charles were very sad and overwhelmed; it was an adventure for the children. And the Queen would sleep with her husband because there was only a bed.
- Describe Beverly y Tony Threadgold. They were in married and they were the ex Royal Family’s new neighbors (they lived at number eight). He was wearing a t-shirt and jeans. She was blonde and fat and her clothes were too small for her. Both of them was smoking. At the first time they helped the Queen and her family.
- List five things the Queen observed in Hell Close. The street smelled bad. Fences were broken. Gardens were full of rubbish. Barrier guarded. Only one bed in her new house.
- What was the first problem for the Queen, Charles and Diana and how was it solved? They brought their carpets from the palace, but their new house was very small and the carpets were bigger than the floor. Tony Threadgold called a friend of him: Mr. Sipggy, a handyman at housework. He cut the carpets.