Philomenan cuidaba de la Reina Madre; estaba muy enferma. La Reina quería llamar a un médico pero Philomena dijo que era una persona mayor y que ya era hora de dejarla descansar y que “durmiera para siempre”. Toda la Familia Real fue a la habitación donde estaba la Reina Madre para despedirse de ella.
Cuando murió, Philomena y Beverly se encargaron de preparar el cuerpo. Ellas sabían cómo y no era la primera vez que lo hacían; solían adecentar a las personas que morían en Hell Close porque los vecinos no tenían dinero para pagar ese servicio. Ellas maquillaron los ojos, labios y mejillas de la Reina Madre, y la vistieron con su vestido azul favorito.
El director de la prisión permitió que Charles saliera para ir al entierro. Pero Chales pensó que si él salía, escaparía para no volver a la cárcel.
Diana trajo unas flores que cogió del jardín, pero en realidad eran cebollas. La flor favorita de la Reina Madre eran los lirios, por eso alguien debía comprar flores de esa especie. Fitzroy Toussaint (el hijo de Philomena) entró en la habitación. Él y Diana se miraron y ambos sintieron algo especial. Se fueron los dos juntos a comprar las flores; Diana conducía el coche de Fitzroy.
De camino a la tienda, estuvieron escuchando música de Pavarotti en la radio. La Reina, que estaba comprando en un supermercado, les vio riéndose en el coche. Y Diana vio a su cuñada Anne con Spiggy montando a caballo.
Mientras tanto, el jardín de Charles ya no tenía cebollas porque Diana las cogió confundiéndolas con flores, y el agua se estaba secando.
Philomena was took care the Queen Mother; she was very ill. The Queen wanted to call a doctor, but Philomena said that she was an old woman and it was time she “sleep forever”. All the Royal Family went to the room where the Queen Mother was and they said goodbye to her.
When she died, Philomenta and Beverly knew how to prepare a dead body. They used to do when someone in Hell Close died, because the neighbors didn’t have money to pay for that service. They made up the Queen Mother’s eyes, lips and cheeks and they had dressed her with her favorite blue dress.
The Governor of the prison allowed Charles went to the funeral of his grandmother. And Charles thought that he could escape when he would be out.
Diana took some flowers form the garden, but really they were onions. The Queen Mother liked lilies so someone had to go to buy some of them. Fitzroy Toussaint (the Philomena’s son) came into the room. He and Diana looked each other and they felt something special. They went together to buy the flowers; Diana drove Fitzroy’s car.
On the way to the shop, Diana and Fitzroy were listening to Pavarotti on the radio. The Queen was in a supermarket and saw them laughing in the car. And Diana could see Anne with Spiggy riding the horse.
Meanwhile, the Charles’ garden was without onions and water.
- What decision do you think Charles made when he looked out of his cell window? He thought that if he could go out of the prison, he would escape.
- Why did Diana like Fitzroy? Because he was very tall and he was very well dressed. His fingernails were clean.