Spiggy fue a casa de Anne montado a caballo, llamado Gilbert. Le compró el animal a un hombre en un bar porque no podía mantenerlo, y pensó que sería una bonita sorpresa para Anne. Construiría un establo en el jardín de Anne porque era muy amplio y mantendrían el caballo entre los dos.
La Reina recibió una carta de su hijo Charles desde la cárcel. En ella contaba lo horrible que era la cárcel: estaba casi todo el tiempo metido en la celda, tenía hambre y se aburría. También contaba que el director de la cárcel era muy amable con él, porque sabía que su madre fue la Reina. Pero esto le traía problemas con el resto de reclusos, de manera que le dijo a su madre que escribiera una carta al director, pidiéndole que cambiara su comportamiento (y así lo hizo). También confesó que pensaba en Beverly y el único mensaje que quería transmitirle a Diana quera que recordara regar las plantas.
Ese mismo día Charles recibió una carta de Diana, pero no contaba nada interesante, sólo que últimamente estaba muy ocupada, que por fin se había ido a cortar el pelo y que su hijo William había suspendido un examen de matemáticas.
Mientras tanto, Sayako estaba comprando en la tienda más cara de Londres: Harrods. Ella era la hija del emperador de Japón y estaba visitando la ciudad. Llevaba todo el día de compras, le gustaba la moda y gastaba mucho dinero en ella. Se alojaba en un nuevo hotel que abrió hacía poco en Londres: Buckingham Palace Hotel.
Spiggy went to Anne’s house reading a horse called Gilbert. He bought the animal from a man in a bar, because he couldn’t keep it, and he thought that it could be a nice surprise to Anne. He would build a stable in the Anne’s garden because her garden was the biggest in Hell Close, and they could keep the horse together.
The Queen received a letter sent by Charles from the prison. He wrote about the life in there was horrible: he was always in his little cell, he was hungry and bored. He also said that the Governor of the prison was very kind with him and it was causing problems with the other men, for that reason Charles asked his mother if she could send a letter to the Governor demanding a new attitude with Charles (and she did it). Charles said too that he was thinking about Beverly every moment and the only thing that he wanted to say to Diana was that she had to remember to water the plants.
That day Charles received a letter written by Diana, but she didn’t tell anything important: she was very busy, she went to a haircut and her son Williams didn’t pass a Mathematics exam.
Meanwhile, Sayako was buying in the most expensive shop in London: Harrods. She was the Emperor of Japan’s daughter and she was visiting the city. She was shopping all the day because she liked the fashion and she spent a lot of money on it. She was living in the new hotel in London: Buckingham Palace Hotel.
- Why was Charles having problems with the other men? Because the Governor of the prison had a special treatment with him, because he know that Charles’ mother was the Queen.
- How do we know that Sayako was rich? She is the Emperor of Japan’s daughter, she spent a lot of money in the most expensive shop in London and she was living in the new Buckingham Palace Hotel (maybe it wasn’t a cheap hotel).