La Reina estaba en el hospital psiquiátrico con su marido Philip. Estaban viendo juntos la televisión. Unas imágenes mostraban al Emperador Akihito de Japón, su hija Sayaco y Jack Barker. El primer ministro decía que él había intentado dar lo mejor de él para que no hubiera diferencias entre clases y que todos tuvieran las mismas oportunidades, pero que aún había que hacer muchos cambios y que los anunciaría en una rueda de prensa al día siguiente.
Cuando la Reina regresó a su casa, tenía una carta de Charles. En ella él contaba que estaba bien; pretendía construir una cabaña en Escocia y vivir en ella. También recibió una llamada de Australia, era de la compañía de teatro donde trabajaba el Príncipe Edward: se había escapado.
En ese momento la Reina pensó que su familia era un auténtico caos: Philip estaba en un hospital psiquiátrico, su hijo Charles se escapó de la justicia, Edward estaba desaparecido y su madre había muerto. Anne estaba saliendo con un obrero y Diana con un hombre negro. Y Harris se estaba convirtiendo en un perro agresivo.
Pero la Reina pensaba que el primer ministro Jack Barker anunciaría su dimisión al día siguiente y guardó la esperanza de que posiblemente pronto estuviera de nuevo en palacio. Invitó a todos los vecinos en su casa para ver las noticias del día siguiente.
The Queen was in the mental hospital with Philip. They were watching the TV. The images showed the Emperor Akihito of Japan, his daughter Sayaco and Jack Barker. The Prime Minister said that he had done his best to come true his promises: no difference between social classes and the same chances for everybody. But it could be necessary to do more changes, and he would tell them the next day in a meeting.
The Queen returned to her house and she saw a letter sent by Charles. He said he was fine and maybe he would build a cabin in Scotland. Then, an Australian called the Queen; he said that he was a workmate of Edward in the theatre company but Edward disappeared some days ago.
The Queen thought that her family was a chaos: Philip was in a mental hospital, her son Charles escaped to Scotland, Edward was disappeared and her mother had died. Anne was with a handyman and Diane was with a black man. And Harris got wild.
But the Queen thought that the Prime Minister would resing and probably she and his family returned to the palace soon. The Queen invited the whole neighbors to her house to see the news the next day.
- What three things made the Queen think that Jack Barker had spent all the money from Japan? The Queen noticed that the society had improved but the changes could have been very expensive. She saw that the taxes were smaller; the school had a new roof…
- Describe how the Queen’s family was in chaos. Philip was in a mental hospital, her son Charles escaped to Scotland, Edward was disappeared and her mother had died. Anne was with a handyman and Diane was with a black man. And Harris got wild.
- Why did the Queen decide to invite her neighbors and why did she think it might be a “goodbye party? Because she thought the Prime Minister would resing and probably she and his family returned to the palace soon.